Here are the results of the Pageant Stars USA polls. They are not scientifically based therefore these results should only be viewed as an example or basic guide to the pageant world.
The poll show that all most three quarters of all pageant girls have competed in a 'Full Glitz' pageant. Full Glitz being only marginally more popular than 'Natural'. 'Semi Glitz' pageants have faired less well, but this is probably due to there being more Glitz and Natural pageants available to enter. 'Other Pageants' like 'face pageants' have ranked as expected low in the poll.
It is interesting to discover that over a quarter (28%) of all pageant girls start young and begin competing in beauty pageants before the age of 4. From the age of 4 there is a steady drop in numbers of new girls starting pageants until about the age of 10-12 years old, when there is a marked increase in girls taking up pageants. This increase is even more noticeable in the teenage years, probably partly due to girls being more aware of beauty pageants and wishing to take part, and also partly down to reluctant parents allowing their daughters to start entering pageants for the first time. Numbers decline once again from about the age of 17, but as this website is mostly 'Child Beauty Pageant' orientated it can be assumed that probably less grownups have taken part in the poll. It is well known that 'Adult Beauty Pageants' are very popular among young women, many of which enter for the first time as adults. There is a large number of girls (16%) who have taken part in the poll who have 'Not Yet Competed', but who are obviously planning to start doing pageants soon, and this would denote that Beauty Pageants are becoming a very popular past time for girls. Thank you to everyone who took part in the polls.